"Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them shades of deeper meaning."
Maya Angelou

“Joy comes to us in ordinary moments. We risk missing out when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary."
“The energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strengths from the relationship”
“Courage is to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.”
“Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.”
Brené Brown
Tuesdays with Morrie
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”
"Look, no matter where you live, the biggest defect we human beings have is our shortsightedness. We don’t see what we could be. We should be looking at our potential, stretching."
"The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
Have a Little Faith: A True Story
“That kind of love—the kind you realize you already have by the life you’ve created together—that’s the kind that lasts.”"
Mitch Albom

"We loose ourselves in books, we find ourselves there too."
Follow my Goodreads for an updated version of the books I have read and want to read!
Anxiety- how to manage and grow with anxiety
First, Make the Beast Beautiful by Sarah Wilson
Authenticity & Vulnerability
Brené Brown’s “Which Book Do I Read First?” blog she recommends the following:
I Thought it Was Me.
The Gifts of Imperfection--Be you.
Daring Greatly--Be all in.
Rising Strong--Fall. Get up. Try again.
Braving the Wilderness-is a book about belonging in a polarized culture and it stands on its own. You can read it anywhere in the progression.
Self-Growth & Development
StrengthsFinder 2.0: Discover your CliftonStrengths by Tom Rath
Are you Fully Charged?: The 3 Keys to Energizing Your Work and Life by Tom Rath
Well-Being: The Five Essential Elements by Tom Rath
You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero
Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Hector Garcia Puigcerver
Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India, and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Wisdom of Sundays: Life-Changing Insights from Super Soul Sunday by Oprah Winfrey
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters by Priya Parker
Gratitude & Appreciating life
Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom
Leadership & Developing as a Manager (influenced by CliftonStrengths)
How Full is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath and Don Clifton
Strengths-Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow by Tom Rath
First, Break all the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently by Jim Harter
It's the manager by Jim Clifton and Jim Harter